
I see the best way to start a blog is to introduce myself to the reader. I am the Solo Practicing attorney in the Dallas area. I started my firm in September of 2017 with the encouragement and support of my mentor, Mark Alexander. I had been practicing family law for a couple years and was not enjoying my work. I did get a lot of experience out of the family law arena that I am thankful for in my current practice, but the emotional toll it took was tremendous. I have a lot of respect for good family law attorneys who answer that calling. The experience I gained through family law in the courtroom was invaluable, I had more time in front of the bench than most of the lawyers I graduated with. This time getting comfortable in front of the court prepared me to take on the commercial litigation I now practice.
I enjoy serving businesses and consumers now. I spent seven years in business and sales before I attended law school, so I have a better perspective on those issues than many attorneys who went straight from undergrad to law school. I have seen first-hand the practical ramifications of decisions that companies, large and small, have to make. I like to help my clients explore these consequences beyond just the potential legal outcome. I strive to place my client in the best overall position they can be in at the end of the day. My experience prior to law school helps me see the legal issues from many angles depending on whether the dispute is with a customer, another business, or even between members of the same company.
I have a love for the competition of businesses. Driving to make a better product, a better name, or even sometimes just the best advertisement is important to me. My undergrad degree is in professional sales and international marketing, it was a great program and set me off on a career in sales. Most of my experience was in advertising sales but I also sold Xerox products for a short time. I think about these experiences when I am representing a client on a consumer case. We are very blessed in Texas to have a strong consumer protection law in the Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA). It provides real consequences for businesses that that do not conduct themselves honestly and has a very positive effect to the customer. I represent many consumers in holding sellers and service providers accountable.
Securities and Antitrust law are two of my favorite areas of practice.
Antitrust is the body of law in this country that protects completion between businesses, it is in fact called competition law in many other countries that have analogous laws. Mainly dealing with conspiracies or collusion, I was able to learn antitrust from a professor who has tried cases in the field for over thirty years. I can’t wait to take on another antitrust case.
My first year in practice, I was introduced to my friend and mentor. Mark Alexander is a nationally recognized securities fraud litigator. I found real satisfaction in helping him with cases and getting people their money back after being defrauded through securities investments. These were people who were investing in their retirement and were taken advantage of. I hate to think of someone ruining a person’s retirement who has worked hard and had it stolen through fraud.
I am looking forward to providing legal tips, interesting cases, and a few funny posts on this blog. I hope you enjoy reading it and consider me for your legal needs should the occasion arise.
Christopher J. Snyder