Category Archives: Technology
Heads Up Legal Podcast

I know it has been a little quiet on the blog. I have been devoting a lot of time to gearing up for the launch of the Heads Up Legal Podcast. I will be co-hosting a podcast with Mark Alexander to deliver information to consumers and business owners on legal issues they should know about …
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ICO (Initial Coin Offering) Fraud

I will always remember the first day in high school economics class. My teacher pointed out huge letters across the back of the room, TNSTAAFL. She said that it stood for there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Always remember this when contemplating any investment. Over the past couple months, I have been diving …
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Cryptocurrency Update

I have a few blogs that I am currently developing regarding the emerging legal treatment of blockchain, smart contract, and cryptocurrency technology. While those are coming soon, an important development took place over the last couple days for those invested or soon investing in cryptocurrencies. Once relegated to the technical and internet community, Bitcoin and …